Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh, the choices

One of the most interesting phenomena within the Ironman community is the arduous selection process for the ensuing year's race. All of your friends, acquaintances and family members discuss the options over email, facebook, blog and telephone as though it is a life-altering decision. Perhaps it wouldn't be so life-altering if it didn't cost thousands of dollars, thousands of training hours and thousands of neoprene-bootied feet potentially kicking you in the head and making you drown to your untimely death.

Anyway, several of my extended friends via Th. (my Iron-boyfriend) are considering Australia, France and South Africa, but I doubt I will have the finances/time to support such an endeavor. Maybe in 2010. Canada, Florida, Wisconsin or Louisville are more up my alley. Florida sounds fun because I like palm trees, heat, and sharks. Louisville sounds interesting because my Dad's family is from Kentucky and I might fundraise with C-Different as a part of their "IronTeam" ( I'd like to do Florida with Th., but am also keen on meeting some new people, throwing fundraisers, and getting a sweet C-Different jersey. I do have some friends participating in Canada as well, and Wisconsin is only a 2 hour drive from Chicago. Will give it some thought!

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