Monday, May 25, 2009

Soldier Field 10 Mile Race and Weekend Report

So it is 11:30 pm on Memorial Day and I am still awake after a long weekend of pretty heavy training, given this is only the end of the first week of IM training. On Saturday I was a guide for my friend K. at the Soldier Field 10 miler here in Chicago. K. has achromatopsia and has been visually-impaired since birth but you sure wouldn't know it if you met her. She has a better sense of direction than me, doesn't run into walls and parked cars, and is waaaay smarter (she's a lawyer). We've only run together on three or four occasions, but she's already run a marathon and several other long-distances road races, so she didn't have much of a problem! Anyway, she set her best time yet and ran a 1:45 race, despite all of the slow people we had to push out of our way. Talk about bottlenecks. There were 9000 people running on a freakin' bike path. But hey, it was fun.

On Sunday Th. and I rode out to Lake Bluff or one of those little towns up north. We were both pretty tired after Saturday's run but we still managed to put in about 45 miles. Yeehaw!

Today I took it a bit easier and ran about 4.5 miles. The gym closed early so I didn't get to swim but the run felt good. My feet feel better and it is not because of the crap orthotics the podiatrist gave me. It is because of my magical Newtons. They are slowly dying, however, so I bought a new pair this weekend, this time in lime green. Can't wait to wear 'em when they arrive in the mail.

Week 2 of Ironman training, here I come!

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